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SPST health and pharmacy administration team was invited to attend the ISPOR 2024 International Conference in the United States

The 29th Annual International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Conference was held in Atlanta, USA from May 5th to 8th, 2024. Our team of health and pharmacy administration was invited to attend. Dr. Xie Shitong, associate researcher at our school, presented a invited oral report titled "The Development of the China Health Related Outcomes Measures: Generic Version (CHROME-G)" at the "Incorporating Patient-Reported Outcomes in Drug Pricing and Reimbursement Decision-Making: Development and Validation of Chrome System in China" session. Xin Yuhang, a PhD candidate, was one of only three students selected to present an oral presentation titled "Cost-Effectiveness of Eliglustat Tartrate for the Treatment of Type 1 Gaucher Disease in China Using a Semi-Markov Model" in student CEA session. Our team's posters were highly successful at the ISPOR poster exhibition, with a total of 13 posters selected for display. Graduate students Bai Xuefei, Su Chang, Shen Yingying, Xia Xuan, Zhang Ke, Xu Xiaoyang, Luo Chang, Liu Xinran, Geng Jialu, and Dong Peisong showcased their research through poster presentations.