Ø Chinese Name:紫外/可见分光光度计
Ø Model: UH5300
Ø Manufacture: Hitachi
Ø Acquisition Date: Sep 24th, 2014
Ø Acquisition Price: 90,000.00 RMB
Ø Locate: Room 501, Building No. 24, TJU
Ø Specification:
uOptical system: Czerny-Turner mount, Double beam monochromator
uWavelength range: 190 to 1,100 nm
uSpectral bandwidth: 1 nm
uWavelength accuracy:±0.3 nm
uWavelength repeatability:±0.1 nm
u Photometric range: Abs (-3.3 to +3.3); T% (0 to 300)
u Photometric accuracy:±0.002 Abs (0 to 0.5 Abs) ±0.004 Abs (0.5 to 1.0 Abs)
uPhotometric repeatability:±0.002 Abs (0 to 1.0 Abs)
uScan speed: 10, 40, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1200, 2400, 4800, 6000 nm/min
uResponse: Fast, Medium, Slow
uBaseline stability: 0.0005 Abs/h (260 nm after a two-hour warm-up period)
uBaseline flatness:±0.0009 Abs (200 to 950 nm)
uLight source: Xenon flash lamp
uDetector: Silicon photodiode
uAmbient temperature: 15 to 35°C
uAmbient humidity: 25 to 80% (no condensation, to be 70% or less at temperatures exceeding 30°C)
Ø Applications:
uConcentration measurement; Absorbance/Transmittance measurement; Biological sample (e.g. DNA and proteins) measurement; Wavelength scan measurement; Time change measurement; Monitor measurement.