Q & A of Defense and Degree Application (PhD)

  This Q & A has been prepared for frequent asked questions. For specific policy documents, notices and forms of school and TJU, please see the document of "degree & thesis.pdf" by SPST.

  Q1: How can I get the graduation certificate and degree?

  A: The PhD major in Applied Chemistry must meet all the credit requirements, pass the defense and obtained the corresponding academic achievements/requirements [1] at the same time before they apply graduation and degree.

  [1] Academic achievements/requirements are required to meet one of the following conditions:

  ·Number of high level publication , with IF of journal≥10, ≥1

  ·Number of publication on the journal of JCRⅠor JCRⅡ, ≥2

  ·Number of SCI publications ≥3, &ΣIF5.0

  ·at least 4 SCIE publications, SCIE English journal≥1

  Note: The School of Chemical Engineering will discuss the situation of co-first author separately by academic committee, and it is highly not recommended to use the achievements of co-first author to apply for graduation and degree.

  Q2: How many words are required for the dissertation?

  A: The recommended length of thesis in English is no less than 30000words or 100 pages (The requirements here refer to the text, excluding references, attachments, abstract and so on.). According to the thesis submitted by previous graduates, the number of words will not be less than this data, and the quality of the thesis is always the first!

  In addition, the student should also prepare an abstract in Chinese of no less than 6000 Chinese words when preparing an English thesis.

  Q3: What’s the meaning of “June batch” or “January batch”?

  A: The month refers to the time when the degree is awarded, not the time of defense. At present, TJU has three times of degrees awarded every year, which are January, June and November respectively. Therefore, the review of thesis needs to be completed two months before defense, and the defense needs to be completed half a month before degree application.

  Q4: What’s the requirement of plagiarism check result?

  A: For PhD (Applied Chem.), the total copy ratio is less than 20%, and there is only one chance to apply plagiarism check.

  Q5: What’s the requirement of thesis review?

  A: PhD dissertation will be submitted to the review system by TJU or SPST for anonymous review. In principle, it takes two months to get the feedback from reviewers. We recommend that the student should prepare the thesis as early as possible to meet the time of defense.

  According to current requirement of TJU, PhD dissertation needs to take a pre-review before anonymous review: the dissertation submitted by TJU need to be pre-reviewed by no less than three peer reviewers arranged by the research group; the dissertation submitted by SPST will be pre-reviewed by academic degree committee members.

  Note: The dissertation which was selected to be anonymous review by TJU need to be submitted on time, otherwise it will be listed in the pool of need important review in the future.

  Q6: What to do next after thesis review?

  A: Thesis needs to be corrected or modified according to review feedback (A/B/C/D level). For more details, please see the file "thesis & defense".

  Note: If the feedback of review gave C or D, a long revision time of the dissertation is highly required by TJU, and will thoroughly discussed by School and TJU Academic Committee. In addition, the supervisor will get negative assessment by TJU.

  Q7: Whether students can submit thesis for review, and then apply for defense after obtaining academic achievements.

  A: The School of Chemical Engineering (SCE) requires that thesis need to be submitted for review and defense in the same batch.

  Q8: What are the requirements for the members of the defense committee?

  A: The requirements of defense committee members are 5-7 (singular) experts with title of Professor. Among them, there are no less than 3 PhD supervisors and 2 out-of-TJU experts from different affiliations. For more details, please see the file "thesis & defense".

  Q9: Do the defense documents need to be submitted for review?

  A: The documents for defense should be submitted to SPST and SCE before at least one week of defense.

  Q10: Do they get a degree immediately after pass the defense?

  A: After defense, the dissertation will be reviewed by School Academic Committee and TJU Academic Committee in turn, and the degree will be awarded after pass the TJU review.


  1. After degree rewarded, the Ministry of Education will randomly check the dissertation. Unqualified thesis will result in PhD Degree Revocation and bring negative effect of supervisor.

  2. The process of applying for PhD degree is complicated. Please communicate with us about the details if needed.

  毕业答辩及学位申请Q&A (博士篇)

  这里总结在答辩前后常见问题。学校及学院的具体政策文件、通知,表格请见”degree & thesis.pdf”。也请关注研究生院学位办官网,获取最新政策信息。如标注【AP】为仅针对应用化学专业。

  1. 【AP】如何才能毕业(获得学位)?

  ——简单的说,核心内容如下,更详细介绍请见“Degree & Thesis”文件:

  1) 和硕士不同,对于应用化学专业博士,毕业和拿到学位是相同的要求,即不能先毕业再申请学位,只能同步;



  ·high level publication with IF≥10, ≥1

  ·publication of JCR Ⅰor JCRⅡ, ≥2

  ·SCI publications ≥3, &ΣIF5.0

  ·at least 4 SCIE publications, SCIE English journal≥1


  2. 【AP】英文论文建议字数要求?

  ——不少于30000words (不少于100页)(这里指正文、不包括参考文献以及附件等)。以上均为建议篇幅,从往届毕业生提交论文情况看,不会比这个数据更少。另外切记论文质量第一!


  3. 通常说的6月份那批,1月份那批,是指6月份答辩吗?


  4. 【AP】查重率上限是多少?


  5. 博士论文送审和硕士一样吗?




  l 被抽中校级盲审要按时提交论文送审。如没有按时提交论文送审,则导师指导的学生会被列为重点校级盲审对象。

  6. 送审结果反馈后,只要修改一下论文就可以答辩吗?


  评审反馈的结果(A/B/C/D等级)要对应规定进行相应的处理。校级盲审-《天津大学博硕士学位论文校级盲审评阅意见处理规定》。院级盲审-《天津大学研究生学位论文评阅意见处理办法》。(以上文件可查阅”degree & thesis.pdf”或登录研究生院学位授予网站


  a) 由于要修改论文一定时间以上,很难赶上当批次的学位授予。

  b) 据目前经验看,论文送审结果将一直被记录,且很难一次就通过学院及校级分委会审核,进而拿到学位。

  c) 校级盲审论文评阅意见会做负积分。比如:评阅意见中出现一个C(75-60)”,积1分,出现一个D(60以下)”,积2分。某位导师上一年度博/硕士学位论文的校盲审评阅意见积分累计达到N分,则从当年开始停止上岗N/3(向下取整)年。如对符合采用增加送审专家或复议形式的论文,经增加送审或复议后达到送审要求的,首次送审的负面评价不计入积分中。

  7. 【AP】论文送审通过了,但是因为成果没达到延后申请学位可以吗?



  8. 【AP】博士答辩评委的要求?

  ——简要来说,答辩委员会专家要求如下,具体内容请见degree & thesis 文件:

  · 5-7名(要求为单数);

  · 全部为教授;

  · 不少于三分之二且至少3名博士生指导教师,至少2名校外专家,且分属于2个及以上不同单位;

  9. 答辩前需要审批吗?


  10. 答辩通过后就确定能获得学位吗?




  备注:1. 在授予学位后,教育部仍然会对博士论文进行抽检,一旦抽检不合格,则导师的博导资格会受到影响,学生可能面临撤销学位。

  2. 博士学位申请过程在具体手续(涉及的表格等)相比硕士要复杂繁琐的多,Q&A为了方便老师阅读,在此不做赘述。详细内容我们会和学生沟通。