Q & A of Defense and Degree Application (MS)

  This Q & A has been prepared for frequent asked questions. For specific policy documents, notices and forms of school and TJU, please see the document of "degree & thesis.pdf" by SPST.

  Q1: How can I get the graduation certificate and degree?

  A: In short, at least the following conditions need to be met:

  Graduate certificate: Meet all the credit requirements and pass the defense.

  Get degree: The dissertation has been examined and approved by both School level and TJU level the academic degree committee and obtained the corresponding academic achievements [1].

  [1] In short, from 2019 Master, the student of Scientific Track needs to publish SCI papers or adopt international peer review. The student of Professional Track needs to publish paper above the EI conference level, adopt international peer review, or through other ways. For more details, please see the file “degree & thesis”. (For MS 2017 & 2018, 1 general level paper is needed for international peer review)

  Q2: How many words are required for the dissertation?

  A: The recommended length of thesis in English is no less than 15000words or 50 pages (The requirements here refer to the text, excluding references, attachments and so on.). According to the thesis submitted by previous graduates, the number of words will not be less than this data, and the quality of the thesis is always the first!

  In addition, the student should also prepare an abstract in Chinese of no less than 4000 Chinese words when preparing an English thesis.

  Q3: What do students need to do after plagiarism checking of thesis?

  A: Students keep revising the thesis during and after the plagiarism checking until supervisor agrees to proceed with the next step of "thesis review". In this process, the supervisor needs to sign the form of the plagiarism checking report (lower than 20%) and agree to for the next step.

  Q4: Who can be invited for thesis review?

  A: The person who can supervise MS or with a title of associate professor or above can be invited as evaluation experts, and Thesis Committee members to the maximum extent possible invited. For student of Professional Track, at least 1 reviewer from industry(company) is needed.

  Q5: Is the degree thesis or journal paper that needs to be reviewed by the international peer review?

  A: Degree Thesis.

  Q6: What to do next after thesis review?

  A: Thesis need to be corrected or modified according to review feedback (A/B/C/D level). In short, if all the feedback of reviews gave conclusion above B, student can continue to revise the thesis until defense approval. More job need to do, for more details, please see the file "thesis & defense".

  Q7: What documents are needed for defense?

  A: Students should prepare the documents of “Approval Form of Defense” and “MS Thesis Defense Panel Approval Form”. In addition, students will communicate with supervisor to set up defense committee to determine committee members.

  Q8: What are the requirements for the members of the defense committee?

  A: The requirements of defense committee members for the students of scientific track and professional track are different. For more details, please see the file "thesis & defense".

  Q9: Do the documents need to be submitted for review?

  A: The documents for defense approval should be submitted to teaching office before at least three working days of defense.

  Q10: What else do they need to do after defense?

  A: 1. Revise the thesis according to the comments of defense committee.

  2. Prepare evidence of academic achievements/requirement.

  3. Revise the thesis according to the comments of SPST Academic Degree Committee.

  4. Submit the documents for TJU approval.

  5. Submit the thesis to library after revision.

  Note: The thesis which submitted to the library will be randomly checked by the education department of Tianjin after the students get the degree. Unqualified thesis will result in Degree Revocation.

  以下说明的主要作用是把学校关于答辩审核独立的文件和表格串起来,以及总结在答辩前后各种相关文件中容易被忽视、混淆的内容,以便您对答辩和学位申请能有一个系统化的总体了解。学校及学院的具体政策文件、通知,表格请见“degree & thesis.pdf”。

  毕业答辩和申请学位的常见 Q&A 【硕士篇】

  1. 如何才能毕业(获得学位)?

  简单的说,核心内容如下,更详细介绍请见“Degree & Thesis”文件:



  ([1]* :对2019级硕士生开始:




  2. 论文字数要求?


  3. 论文查重之后做什么?


  4. 论文送给谁审?副导师能审论文吗?

  硕导及副教授及以上都可以作为评审专家。且Thesis Committee members to the maximum extent possible.专业学位硕士论文须至少聘请一位行业(企业)专家评审。

  5. 国际同行评审,审大论文还是小论文?


  6. 论文送审后接下来做什么?

  不是评审结果回来就能答辩了,评审反馈的结果(A/B/C/D等级)要对应规定进行相应的处理。简单来说,如果所有评审均给出B以上的结论,则参照评阅意见继续修改论文,直到导师通过,同意进行下一个步骤“答辩审批“。如出现C/D,则要按照《天津大学研究生学位论文评阅意见处理办法》【thesis & defense】做相应处理。

  7. 答辩审批需要什么材料?

  需要准备【答辩审批书& Masters MS Thesis Defense Panel Approval Form】,学生将与导师沟通组建答辩委员会,确定答辩委员。

  8. 答辩委员会的专家有什么要求?

  和论文评阅一样,对于答辩专家也是有要求的,详情请查阅【thesis & defense】文件第108页和第132页。注意:学硕和专硕对答辩专家有不同的要求。

  9. 答辩审批材料整理好的材料需要交到哪审核吗?


  10. 答辩结束后,还需要做什么?





